The mission of Masjidul Waritheen is to promote peace, stability, equality, liberty, and dignity within the ummah and within the society at large; to implement the law of Al-Islam in all affairs of the ummah; to produce and maintain an environment which promotes the development of Islamic character in every individual, and which promotes in every individual the will to obey Allah in accordance with Islamic beliefs; to remove all obstacles to its mission; and, to carry the call of Al-Islam to the whole world.
Muslim Mission Center Presents:​
"I Love My Family Day"
Date:August 31st, 2024
Location: Marina Bay Park Richmond, CA 94604​
The Ramadan Intensive Session Extended: The Resurrection & The Renaissance of Al-Islam in the World. Beginning Saturday, June 8th
Starting: Saturday, June 8th, 2024
Time: 8:00am - 10:00am
Zoom Meeting ID: 820 2729 1425
Passcode: 050538
Want to watch or review a previous session you might have missed?
Listen to live streaming of the Friday Khutbah
At Masjidul Waritheen, we understand the importance of staying connected to our community and providing access to valuable religious guidance, even when physical attendance may not be possible.
To be part of our livestream experience, all you need to do is visit our website at the designated time and click on the streaming link. From there, you will have the opportunity to listen to the Khutbah, gain valuable knowledge, and reflect upon its timeless messages.
1700 47th Avenue
Oakland, CA 94601
510 - 436 - 7755